What lawyer do i need?

Tamika • Hi I am a single mom of 3 kids, I have 2 boys and a girl.
In 2013 this happened to me and my family I had 3 kids when this happened. If a lanlord evicts you cause you did a police report cause your debit card was used and stolen with all your rent money on it? And you never in 3 years been late once to pay the apartment manager but they tell you that you owe $2,500 you call them saying i have $2,100 now and a hour later they say sorry ypu owe $3,000 now cause they took it to court. And you have no choice but to get the eviction. And no one will rent to you cause of it? My fiance looked it up and a eviction is on my record saying i only owed them $1,970.00 and i had that to pay them. I am the 3rd person Pinaccle did this to in Washington state what lawyer do i need to get it ofg my record its been 2 years now help.