Encouragement Needed

So I went in for an OB check up on Friday in regards to some changes in my discharge & was immediately rused to the Labor & Delivery unit at our hospital where I found out I have an incompetent cervix & am dialsted 3 cm with a piece of my sac exposed through the cervix. I was 24 weeks & 4 days at the time.Since then my wonderful medical team were able to stop the contractions & protect baby with steroids & antibiotics. My water eventually ruptured my first night in but the baby is holding to a small amount of fluid near the cervix entrance which is still blocked by the sac protecting the opening from any membrane. It really is the best case scenario according to all doctors.Now we wait for him to grow. Doctors believe he made it to 25 weeks today which is a miracle & every day counts. He can get more steroid shots at 27 so we are hoping he keeps cooking until then. At 28 weeks, he has the hugest chance for survival so that's our goal & beyond!I'm on full bed rest & cannot leave, even to use the restroom. It's been taxing on my body these last three days but to watch the monitor & see his heart beating away & to see him still running around in my uterus in the ultrasounds is amazing. I am blessed by a a glorioud Lord who is protecting us, family, & friends who's unconditional love is lifting us. But I want to be honest with other mom-to-be's: this is hard. My body is in pain, my heart is full yet disappointed about all the "normal pregnancy" moments I'm missing, I'm antsy sitting here all day tied up to equipment reporting on my pain & having to endure embarrassing body spasms you cannot control. These next few days, weeks, months even, will be hard. I'm strong but I'm also human. I wanted to share my story to see if anyone else ever felt this way or just to get some upbeat comments from other moms. Thanks y'all!