Two possible fathers, neither involved, what would you do?

Conception date was close enough to have two possible fathers (not ideal situation that I'm obviously not proud of). Plans of adoption will be in place soon because it's what's best for the baby (I fully believe that children should have two loving parents if possible and should be in a prepared home full of love and at least one person who has the proper time to actually raise the child.) Mother is single and would love the baby but does not have the financial stability to keep him/her and feels it would be selfish to try to raise it without better resources. Adoption seems to be the best answer in this situation and she is deeply worried that one of the fathers will selfishly want to claim the baby even though they are states away with even less resources to care for baby. I need honest opinions, not judgment. Also, I feel it's somewhat cruel for another person to suffer to do what's right here. Under the circumstances, maybe she's right not to tell either of them. Biology and feelings shouldn't be the sole reason to potentially wreak havoc on the child's life.

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