Advice on life

I need some advice on something; so I am currently 20 going to be 21 next April and I am still trying to figure out exactly what it is I want to do with my life, and let me tell you it sucks 😔 I have no drive and feel like I have no true reason to better myself. I feel as though something is missing and when I was younger my goal was to better myself before bringing another life into this world so that my child would never know what it was like to suffer or go without but a part of me tells me that maybe having a baby right now is that push I need to achieve my goals because I would actually have a true reason to better myself. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now and he isn't ready for a baby yet but I just feel like a baby would help to encourage both of us to get our shit together  . I just don't know what to do