Csection ptsd

So i got into a smart ass convo with one of my friends about doing my c-section and it brings back memories of it! 3 years ago on jan 14th. I remember feeling the tugging of the skin when the baby was being taken out ( not pain) the paralyzed feeling from the neck down. I was so numb i could not cry because i couldnt move! From what i remember the spinal didn't hurt, they missed THREE times! The recovery of nurses pushing above my incision every couple hours to make sure you don't hemorage. My ex husband said the actual csection was the most sickest thing he's ever seen lol. Csections are not for the faint of heart! ! There are plus sides though no vaginal pain, you get to skip the labor process depending on the type of situation and you get to have your baby quicker. I get to do it all AGAIN in 20 weeks give or take.....im nervous, can you tell??