Happy & Sad

Kara • Kara. 24. Serenity's Mommy. Type 1 Diabetic. & Baby #2 OTW .
Had my first OB appointment this morning. Heard my lil baby butt butt's (LOL) heartbeat. I wanted to cry but couldn't, bf was in the room, which means MAN UP! But they didn't give us an ultrasound which crushed me because I wanted to see if he/she was okay & see their movements. & I feel like I have a horrible doctor because they have yet to give an ultrasound, I don't know how far along I am, I'm not seen as often as I should be (Due to Diabetes) & they give me the run around everytime I go in there. All in all, I was told the babys heart rate was really good & they're proud of me for keeping my blood sugars down. I'm happy to be a mommy (: !