Almost 38 weeks

My first ultrasound said Decmeber 8th the rest said December 1st (and the 1st adds up to when I thought I got pregnant). That would make me 38 or 39 weeks as of this coming up Tuesday. My husband really can't take off until December but I'm so ready to start trying things to induce labor! I did a few things with my son and they (apparently) worked. But I know I need to wait until at least November 28th 😭 
My son came 5 1/2 hours before his due date lol but he was 8lbs 13oz (exactly what my ultrasound said he was) and she is measuring big too. My labor was 24 hours long and I pushed for 2 hours. Trying to have her come maybe a week early in hopes she will be a bit smaller then he was!! 
Pretty much just venting!
I plan on starting pineapple and dates the day after thanksgiving with pumping and sex. I also hear banana is good. I know not all these things bring on labor but some are suppose to help with a easier labor too! Any other suggestions?