What's with all the hate?🙅

I don't understand. This community should be for any pregnant woman or woman ttc to share what they like or ask for help about anything. It's like some of you hate on others or make hateful posts out of jealousy? There's so many women on here who have been trying for years and never hate on anyone else. As for me, I actually get happy when I see people post their bfps.. It gets me excited knowing that that's going to be me one day. People like to post a picture of their stomach (even though there's no bump yet) to watch their progression. And some posts that may not be relevant, people can actually relate too. When I get my bfp I'll be posting about it, I'll take pictures of my stomach to watch the progression and I'll stay on this app to help out any other women ttc. I'm not talking about everyone because the majority of you are kind, respectful people there's just a handful that don't seem to like when people post bfps etc. We're all here because we want the same thing. And if you don't like seeing other people get their bfps then this community definitely isn't for you.