I need to vent... badly.

Im 18 weeks pregnant and have a very naughty 3 year old. This pregnancy has sucked and my son is a really big brat, his bio dad is in jail so he hasn't seen him in about 2 months which is having a very very negative impact on him. Well, we just found out both of our dogs have parvovirus, we have racked up $1,200 in dog bills that we don't have money for so we had to get carecredit to have them treated. The interest is over 26%!!! We have had to borrow $400 from ppl for this shit and i hate that, it ruins friendships and you never know if there are strings attached in the future. Anyway, i have to take cate of both dogs by myself, hourly around the clock care because they can die in 24 hours if you don't stay on top of it. My fiance works from 1 - 10 pm. My one dog is super sick and he is contained to the bathroom because we have to keep him away from all other animals, that means we can't even shower at our house because the dog can't leave the bathroom, the dog stinks so effing bad because he was at the dog hospital for 4 days and was having blood diarrhea and they didn't clean him, i can't clean hom because the shock and stress of water can kill him because of the parvo. I have to syringe feed both of them liquids every hour because they refuse to eat or drink. I can barely get up and off the floor because im getting to pregnant. My house is a dirty mess because i am so tired from taking care of my dogs and my son. We had the option of putting both dogs down and i wanted to, i dont want diesease in my house like that and we DO NOT have the money. We need the money from taxes to buy needs and baby stuff but instead most of it is being dumped into these dogs that have a 91% rate of dying. I sent my man a message saying i am not happy, i was basically forced into this and i resent him a little for doing this, he is being selfish. I am so depressed i am down to eating once a day sometimes none, i am not excited about having this baby anymore, my anatomy scan is in 10 days and i don't even care anymore about finding out of we have a boy or girl when i used to be so excited i even made a count down timer, i kinda feel like i want to leave him because im so irritated with this.