I'm so lost

Hi I just wanted to vent out a little on my MM. I found out during my 12 week check up that baby's heartbeat was no longer there. Apparently baby's heart stopped around 9/10 weeks. So it had be 4 weeks already since my baby was gone and I had no idea. I didn't show any symptoms. No bleeding, no cramps, nothing. Other than my morningsickness stopped right at 13 weeks. I thought that was very weird as this was my second pregnancy and with my first I was sick all the way thru. I just knew that didn't feel right with me. Anyways, I went in on Nov. 16, Monday, and Doctor told me my pregnancy was no longer viable. I had 3 options. Let it pass on its own, get the pill, or a d&c. They made me wait another week and I went back again next Monday, Nov. 23. All they did was discuss the 3 options again with me. But they didn't really explain my options to me very well. From what I heard the d&c was the best option. So I choose the d&c. Doctor said she was going to schedule me this week. Nurse went back in and told me they would call me to schedule it. It is 11:29pm and so far I had not heard from the doctors office. Take in mind that by now my baby has been gone for 1 month and week. And their still making me wait. Is this normal!? Has anyone ever waited so long? I just started spotting today after 5 weeks since I lost my baby. This is all just been too much for me. Do they not know how a woman feels like knowing that their carrying there child dead? Knowing that she's still pregnant but this pregnancy no longer counts because baby is not growing and being nortured like it normally would? I just don't feel like myself anymore. It's so hard emotionally and physically! Am I being paranoid? Having to be carrying my baby like this. Is this even normal? To be honest I don't even think I make sense anymore