How I Got My BFP

My fiancé and I have been TTC for a few cycles and we finally got out BFP this morning! This cycle was my first time using PreSeed, FertileCM, and taking Mucinex (from last day of AF until a day before O). Needless to say, I won't be needing any of them anymore. I was a little scared to try some of those products, but now that I've got my little blessing (due: August 5, 2016), I will no longer be needing them. I highly suggest that regime for couples that are TTC. I thought that I was out this cycle because I've had virtually no symptoms pointing towards a BFP and almost all of the symptoms pointing to AF. Although, my cervix did stay high and soft after ovulation. In addition, I took an Wondfo ovulation test just to cure my POAS addiction (a few days ago) and it was undoubtedly positive. That prompted me to take a pregnancy test, it looked negative, but as soon as I was about to toss it, a faint line appeared. I took a few more of those and finally did FRER this morning and saw those pretty pink lines! GL and baby dust to all :)