All day round ligament pain


I am 95% sure that this is round ligament pain, but I've heard it is often short lived. It's on my right side, next to my hip bone. I've been in pain since 9:00 am. It's now 1:30 pm. But I was able to painfully go to my one class today, go get Wendy's, come home.

It feels fine when I'm sitting or laying down, it's just when I get up, walk, move around that it hurts. I've got a heated sock on my side now. Baby is still as active as he usually is. But I have been feeling a little more contractions today too.

I just want to know if this is normal since it hasn't really been this bad. In fact, my whole second trimester has been a breeze!lol

Or if anyone has some tips to help relieve the pain a little. Thank you!