Please don't complain about things that don't matter...

This is my sweet baby Zoe. I lost her due to prematurity and preclampsia this March. She was born at 24 weeks and weighed 12.5 oz. She lived for 70 days. It breaks my heart to see you Mom's complain about so many things that don't even matter...There were no warning signs of this. I had a perfect pregnancy until the onset of the Preclampsia. Pray and give thanks for a healthy child and then worry about the other stuff later...Any women that has lost a child I'm sure feels the same way. Some of the things a lot of people let get them down, sad, upset or mad is so irrelevant! Just enjoy the joys of pregnancy, motherhood and don't let anything stress you out especially things that have no real meaning. If you're having a good pregnancy, be happy!!! This 2nd pregnancy I really don't complain about anything its just different. You look at things differently! Just be happy at all times :)