Terrible skin, first trimester. :.( anyone else

Ashley • a happy little Ma
So, I've had really great skin for many years no blemishes and probably at about 8 weeks my skin really started to break out and now it's just terrible. It's really getting to me and making me feel really down about myself, to the point where I cry (crazy emotions too). I just feel really ugly, it's nice that my BF reassures I'm always beautiful to him, but I hate feeling this was about myself.  It doesn't help that I've always been overly obsessive with my skin, due to suffering from acne at a younger age. Is anyone else suffering from hormonal acne, and do you know if it usually settles down after the crazy first trimester? I hear hormones start to settle around 13-14 weeks and I'm currently 12. I just feel like I don't even look like myself! :.(