2 hr labor!!

Natalie • Wife, RN and mommy to 2 beautiful little girls 💕

Y'all! She's here and she came so fast! I had been having contractions the past few days but nothing regular or consistent. We had gone out to look at Christmas lights last night and then ate dinner with family. I was having some contractions about every 7-10 minutes but enjoyed dinner out. I just didn't put too much thought into it bc my first daughters labor was 20hrs. Well, when I stood up from that table....I wobbled out of there bc I was having such a strong contraction. I had a few more in the car on the way home (around 8pm) and they brought tears to my eyes. We got home and I got in the bathtub, which eased the pain. I truly thought they may putter out. So, I went downstairs and got on my birthing ball to bounce. Now they were really strong contractions around 2 mins apart. I told hubby we needed to go, NOW! With our 3 almost 4 year old in tow lol. There was no time for his family to meet us at our house to watch our daughter! He called them back around 9:25pm and told them to meet us at the hospital! Harper Evangeline was born at 10:22pm! Weighing 7lbs 1oz. My sister in laws took my daughter home btw lol! Mil stayed for the birth. It was truly amazing and I'd do it all over again.