
My sister in law just told my MIL she was pregnant in a fight at the end of an email and of course my MIL told us. Im upset that she seems ungrateful that shes pregnant when Im only starting to TTC and what if I cnt? Even so during her wedding she kicked me out of the bridal party for a few reasons because I stirred up some issues and she said I was jealous of her for trying to plan our wedding after we eloped at city hall because of green card reasons and we wanted a wedding and even started planning before she was engaged and said I wanted her life because I never had that lavish wedding to my husband. If we TTC now I think she will think I did it just because I am jealous of her and want to me like her like she thought during her wedding. Im upset because she seems unappreciative of this joy and used the news to prove a point that she has a lot going on and is stressed because she just found out. I feel like she doesnt deserve the baby. Is this wrong? I want a baby so bad and it came so easy to her and she doesnt seem to care. Shes trying to "wrap her head around it" as she says. Ahhh!