
I have hooked up with this guy a couple times and he fingered me and it was my first time being fingered but it hurt like a lot. I've used tampons before and they also hurt sometimes but like this really hurt! Why?????
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If you haven't had sex yet you're probably really tight 


Posted at
Fingering can be really great if it's done right. Make sure his fingernails are cut otherwise they will damage the inside of your vagina also tell him if it hurts, maybe suggest he start off slow tell him you like a biuld up. he needs to start with a smaller finger then work up to a bigger one and only insert two if it's comfortable for you. You gotta communicate :) hope that helps 


Posted at
The first time I was fingered it freaking hurt heaps! That was my ex and he's a total jerk and disrespected me majorly. But I didn't say anything because I didn't want to let him down. But yeah I've never liked it when he did it or when I do it but the guy that I'm with now somehow makes it amazing to the point when I can't wait for him to do it hahah


Posted at
I feel like fingering hurts more than actually doing it!! I tell him just use one finger and not to start til it's actually wet in there 


🌺🌸🌼🌷 • Nov 30, 2015
Totally agree with this! One time my boyfriend finger me after we had sex as he'd finished off and he did it a bit too rough and afterwards I was bleeding like I was a few days into my period 😂


Posted at
It will hurt more if you have yet to have sex. But fingers aren't necessarily built for that and sometimes just accidentally do the wrong thing and cause pain. Just communicate with your partner and I'm sure you guys will get through it just fine :)


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Also sometimes he can push in the wrong place or his nail can scram you inside and that hurts so be careful