Feeling weird

I have Been ttc for a year, my husband has poor quality sperm (like 70% crap 30% ok) so i am not holding out much hope of conceiving naturally. We're meeting with specialist in Jan to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> process.
Anyway, we're still trying in the meantime. 
I am about 11dpo today and yesterday i had a raging headache and today i am having very strange dull ache cramp (kind of like stitch) in my right abdomen. I know i ovulated from my right ovary as i was monitored by clinic this cycle to make sure i was ovulating properly. 
It just feels a bit weird for me to have this. I also had a restless night last night and feel like my boobs are a bit irritated (like rubbing annoys them but it's not so heightened to be a clear sign). 
I am scared really. Might i be pregnant? Maybe i am experiencing af symptoms? What else is it??
I am just so used to being met with bfns and af every month that i kinda forget about it all now in the tww except for this month cos i feel so weird. 
Anyone else experience this? Or something like this? Thanks :)