How long does it take to get over someone you were in love with?

Katie🐢 • Single momma of a beautiful baby boy 💙 09.29.16
I recently broke up with my boyfriend of over a year. Everything was going well but I was overcome with this gut feeling that it wasn't a forever thing. We had moving and marriage plans coming up so I knew I couldn't waste any time breaking it off. 
I'm struggling with my decision for many reasons. One piece is that it hurts me to hurt him. I feel like the scum of the earth for hurting him. I also am still in love with him. I miss him like crazy. I feel like I am mourning him. The thought of not seeing him or talking to him again is truly heartbreaking. With all that said, my gut is still strong enough to have confidence that I made the right decision. 
The third reason and possibly the hardest one to talk about is, I've never been alone. I've been dating since I was 15 and soon will be 25. I call myself a jumper. Once one relationship is over, it's never more than a month a half until I am dating someone new. So this time I told myself that it's time that I spend sometime on my own and get to know myself. I've never felt more lonely and in conjunction with missing my ex, it's been really hard. 
Do you guys have any suggestions/advice? 
Thanks in advance 💜

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