Ultimatum. What do u think of this?

My husband told me we have to get rid of of our cat that he despises. He told me to choose between keeping him or the cat. The cats a sweet cat we had since she was a kitten now she's 8. She's very lovable, doesn't scratch or bite. Loves to sit on your lap and cuddle. We have 2 other cats same age but he's OK with them. His problem with this one is she has fleas right now, she doesn't bury her business in the litter box, and she has an annoying whiney meow and she meows a fair amount. It seems crazy to give up on a cat u raised for 8 years and to give up for no good reason seems cruel. We've been treating for fleas past 3 months but its not working on her. I was going to try another brand but he doesn't want to waste the money and said I have a month to find her a new home. I don't wanna chooze... Wtf