Please help! No response to clomid...did anyone still end up pregnant?

Ok. So I just left the dr pretty upset. We did a 14 day sono and he informed me that I didn't respond to the clomid. It's my first round but I was really hoping for a Christmas baby. He showed me my right ovary and there was nothing going on. I don't think he could locate my left one (usually it's under a lot of intestines). Anyways I've been having strange pains on my left side (possibly ovulation pains?) but he didn't show me my left side he just said there was nothing there as far as a mature follicle. Dr told me to wait 3 weeks to take provera to start my period again to then begin clomid 100mg. He wants to see me in three weeks if I haven't started my period to make sure I'm not pregnant before starting provera. So I guess my question is were any of you told that you didn't respond to clomid and then later in your cycle found out you were pregnant? Could I still ovulate even though the dr didn't see anything?