I'm 17weeks pregnant in college and work part time, and still live at home with my parents & looking for a place now with my boyfriend, he's 31 & I'm 22. He calls himself an entrepreneur, he has a commercial cleaning company, rents property and buys cars crashed fixes them then sells them. He is successful, so his mother sisters and brother always ask for something. It drives me crazy. He bought his mom a volkswagen passat 2011 a couple of years ago(paid off) now he just bought her a Toyota Venza because she's" afraid of driving in the snow". she is moving into a new place and he's on his way to buy her a new living room & bedroom set. I can go on for days what he does for this woman. He's also bought his sisters cars nice ones of course, pays for his youngest sister school tuition and so much more. mind you his sisters NEVER help him with the cleaning company, employees call out and his sisters won't go in to help. He was so desperate last week I had to go help clean a MOVIE THEATER then go to my job for 8 hours. I understand that's his family but he's starting one with me now. There should be a limit !!!! my cousins say I'm selfish but I don't think I am. I pay my phone bill car insurance & credit card bill and I don't ask him for anything

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