Worst pain ever (TMI)

Just thought I'd share some of the darker aspects of a healthy pregnancy. Hemorrhoids! I had issues with my first pregnancy (10 years ago) and all they did was put me on darvocet and told me to deal. After the birth I had surgery to correct the issue. So much pain! Well apparently childbirth isn't the only "forgotten pain" because with this pregnancy I developed a thrombosed hemorrhoid that was such a pain in the butt (literally!) I was referred, by my OB, to a general surgeon looking for relief. Mistake #1. They said it was bad enough to need lanced and I agreed. Mistake #2. I let them cut into it to drain the clots knowing I didn't have a ride home. Mistake #3. They assured me I wouldn't need one. On the way out I got dizzy and felt like puking. Was taken to a room where I cried for the next hour and a half in pain. They did not provide pain relief. Not bringing my own, mistake #4. I eventually had to call my boyfriend to leave work and come get me. Luckily he drives for a towing company so my car was picked up at the same time. Now after a bumpy ride home, pain meds, a shower and some soup in my belly, I'm laying next to my hero while he takes a much deserved nap. I feel like such a lucky woman to have a good man willing to do what it takes for me and his unborn son. Anyone else had to deal with the crappy side of pregnancy?