TTC Baby #1 with PCOS

Lexi • Diagnosed with PCOS last year. TTC with baby #1 with my handsome boyfriend 💕 Radiologic Technology major 📚💀☠
Hi ladies! I'm TTC baby #1 for a little over a year and I was diagnosed with Pcos about a year ago. When diagnosed, I weighed 275 pounds so my doctor advised that I lose some weight. I'm taking my metformin 1500mg a day and I have lost almost 30 pounds! So I went in for my annual check about a month ago and she still says "lose weight". I asked her how much I should lose and she just rolled her eyes and gave me my discharge sheet. Idk what to do. I'm fine with my current weight and my blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol are all fine. I asked her about clomid and she says I have to wait another year! Idk what to do