Anyone else ever miscarry?

Okay so, I have had two miscarriages in the past 4 years. The first one my doctor says doesn't really could because it happened really early on. And my second was just recent  . I was 9 weeks along and  when it happened in Sept. 2015 and it killed part of me. 
Well as much hurt as I felt and am still feeling, I'm finding milestones in healing but there are still my down days. 
But the worst of it all was the fact that I bled for 10weeks after the bad news Sept.17,2015. My OB/GYN says everything checks out okay and has me on a every low does of birth control called Lo Loestrine FE 26 day tablets to get me back on a regular cycle and hopefully help me concieve again. I'm a little apprehensive about this seeing to that my family doctor put me on a birth control in 2014 that messed my cycle all up for a year and when I was finally regular, that's when I got pregnant. I'm worried this one month therapy is going to mess my cycles up again and it's going to be anther year from now that I might get pregnant again... Has anyone else been through something like this before? I'm nervous and kind of doubtful. I would love to have my first child with my husband and he is excited to try. So I don't want another heartbreak.