Still pregnant?

I had a faint positive on a home pregnancy test on Thursday (the day my period was due) then had bleeding and cramping that night. Continued bleeding and shoulder tip pain on Friday and was rushed to ED with suspected ectopic. The urine test at the hospital was negative and bloods showed HCG of 8 - so was told likely miscarriage. Ultrasound showed nothing conclusive except some free fluid in my abdomen which may have been from a ruptured cyst. I was sent for repeat bloods but after waiting over 2hrs to be seen, I gave up. I decided to take another home test to confirm my levels had dropped but it came back a stronger positive than before! I'm booked to see my dr again in 2 days, has anyone had anything similar happen with bleeding, pain and low hcg to go on to have a successful pregnancy? Or am I hoping for too much?