Low Hcg detected at 14 weeks

Ashley • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl born 5.10.16.
I had my early risk assessment done about a week ago and my results came in last night. Everything was great and the risk for genetic disorders is low but they noticed my Hcg levels were lower than they should be. I'm not really worried about it but I'd like to hear from other women how this affected their pregnancy down the line. They explained that women with low Hcg tend to have babies with low birth weight. She didn't mention miscarriage but I feel like in the next 6 weeks with that factor in play it could still be a possibility. My baby is super active in the womb and seems to be growing fine. We've had a ton of ultrasounds with strong heartbeats, so really I'm surprised. She said my body probably metabolizes the Hcg quickly.