Cornual Pregnancy & Subchorionic Hematoma


Has anyone had experience with a cornual pregnancy? I've been spotting since about 4 weeks pregnant and then heavy bleeding for a week at 5 weeks and then back to spotting and still am spotting consistently to this day. When the heavy bleeding started at 5 weeks I had an ultrasound done where the doctors discovered a small blood clot and that my baby implanted "close to the right cornua." I went back a week later for a follow up ultrasound and the subchorionic hematoma had grown a lot (bigger than the gestational sac itself) and the tech said the baby is still "very close to the right cornua." My doctor won't really give me many answers except we have to wait it out and keep watching it. I go in today for another ultrasound. I've read a lot about these and none seem to have any positive outcomes. Anyone else had a "close to cornua pregnancy"? Everything I read is about women who have definitely had a cornual pregnancy, not "close to." Anyone also had a large blood clot that resolved itself? I'm so worried!!!
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