First time

I had sex for first time and we didn't use any protection I feel really bad and I'm panicking that I could get pregnant and it's not like I can wait to see if my period is late because I don't get them for months sometimes 
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If you don't want babies use protection!! Especially for your first time! You have to think of the consequences in the end and if you can't be mature enough to get a condom, don't have sex! Not to be mean at all..but think of what happens if you get pregnant :) 


Posted at
Take a test in 2 weeks since the unprotected should have figured out what type of birth control you were going to use before you had sex. If you had just used protection you would save yourself from a lot of panic you're having right now. Please take a test soon or go to the doctors to find out if you're pregnant and after take the responsible precautions you must take before having sex.