My story

Destynie • July 19th 🎀 KerriAnn🎀 💜 November 2nd 💙 Cillian 💙
So last month I was pregnant, at my 7.5 week u/s we couldn't see anything and they determined I was either too early or miscarrying, later that day I started bleeding and we assumed I was miscarrying my levels had gone down (by like 100) so we didn't know, we just assumed I was miscarrying, also with the bleeding were two clots. Well, two days ago I went to the hospital after getting a positive pregnancy I wasn't sure if it was left over or a new pregnancy so I went and sure enough im 6 weeks pregnant 💜 anyone have a miracle like this? I didn't even have a period in between! :) peanuts heartbeat is 110 💜