Hate Feeling Like This

My LO is 2 1/2 weeks old and the past few days I've been an emotional wreck. I am exclusively breastfeeding and feel like that's all I do 24/7 - that and change diapers. I am SO thankful to have him. He is precious and I can't imagine life without him... I just didn't imagine it being this hard at first. Today especially has been hard and I've been crying all day. He has not let me put him down but for an hour and has been screaming every time I change him, when he wakes up, when he's hungry, riding in the car to run errands... The only time he's been semi calm is when he's been laying on my chest and even then it's been hit or miss. It makes me emotional because I can't figure out what he needs and I can't fix it. My husband has been back to work so I've been alone and I find myself getting mad when he needs to eat. That's so stupid of me. I feel incredibly guilty having these feelings as he's my baby. I'm also mad at my husband for absolutely no reason. He always tries to help when he's around, but for some reason he's been irritating me constantly! I don't know... I'm definitely not myself and I HATE feeling this way. Please tell me this gets better. 😞