Am i wrong to feel like this??? 😖😢

I don't know if this is PPD, i dont really know the symptoms of it but i feel like im not being a good mother to my son. My son was born on 11/04/2015 and during the first week i was happy that my baby boy was finally here, but now im feeling sad and depressed. I randomly start crying sometime during the day, im having these really bad mood swings where as anytime my babys father calls to check in on us i instantly get mad and have an attitude towards him for no reason...worst of all now when i try feeding my son or burp him or even change his diaper its like he doesnt know me like im a complete stranger to him but when my sister or my mom does any of those things he lets them but with me i get nothing from him. Then i get frustrated when he doesnt cooperate with me and im stupid because he's only 4 weeks old why am i getting frustrated at him for??? But i dont hurt him or shake him or anything like that. I just feel like ive reach my breaking point where i cant do take care of him and i feel horrible for saying that because he's my baby 😢 how can i say that about my own child 😩 i dont know what to do. I want to be a good mother to my son and not feel like this anymore. How do i make these feelings go away quickly? Is this even PPD? Help please.