Is there something wrong with my baby?

Is anyone else going thru this? My baby is 7.5weeks old and he is honestly never happy. He was born at 34weeks. No issues. He has GERD and I feel like it's just a vicious cycle of feeding him and then trying to settle him for hours. He sticks his tongue out, arches his back, tenses up everywhere, pulls on his face, screams and squawks. Ive tried to feed him when he does this but he just pushes me away and pulls at my nipple. He is gaining weight and when he's interested in feeding (every 2.5-3hrs) he feeds well. I've googled everything from "newborn who hates his life" to more serious conditions. I'm worried there is something wrong with him. He's on Prevacid twice a day, ovol, Vit D and we did a course of Bio Gaia. I feel guilt wishing this time away but I don't know how much more I can take. Sometimes I have to put him down and walk away so I can eat, drink and pee.  I'm ready to give up breastfeeding and try formula because doing this every 2.5 hrs seems like a hamster wheel of hell. 😢