Help advice needed

Jessica • Wife💍 Mother of 4! Craft boss!!
I just need to vent... I am a mom of three ages 8,7,and 5!! I have been with my fiancé for almost 4 years he has no kids of his own and never gotten anyone pregnant... We had a tubal reversal in June I have had everything checked out since I did have hsg test and confirmed one of my tubes are blocked.. I know that it will take longer for us to get pregnant due to that but he is a smoker and works in a steel plant around lots of toxins and chemicals before we had my tubal reversal we did a home sperm count test and it came back normal but my Gyno said he should go get tested by a doctor but he hasn't!! I've been begging him to stop smoking he smokes 2 packs a day me in not a smoker do you think it's important for him to quit!? Due to all the toxic chemicals he's around at work I feel like it is affecting his sperm count and mobility! A lot of men he works with have infertility problems due to the work environment