A little worried...6 weeks 6 days

Virginia • Mother of 4 with our last little guy being born at 26 weeks. All is well and everyone is healthy. We are blessed 😇
My husband and I had sex about 39 min ago and afterwards I felt a warm gush which I figured was semen but he told me it looked tinted with blood. He grabs me a paper towel and I wipe dark brown blood from my front to my back cause I assumed it dripped back there.  The bottom of his white shirt where his penis is had some pinkish brown blood there as well.  I went pee and some semen and blood came out with it.  I wiped and it was pinkish brown as well with a bit of brown tissue not clots.  At this point I haven't seen any more but I'm in a panic.  I haven't been seen by an obgyn yet.  Should I call them if the bleeding stops?  What should I do?