Regular cycles. AF due today & nothing? TMI!


Hey ladies.

So I started tracking my cycle in September. Sep I had a 28day cycle, Oct was a 28day cycle, and Nov I had a 27day cycle. With each cycle my breasts were sore starting more or less a week before AF + period cramping starting 1-2 days before AF arrived.

Pretty regular? Okay so today I am on CD29 and no signs of AF? No cramping? Breasts haven't hurt AT ALL, although today they feel a teeny bit sensitive but definitely not as sensitive as with my last 3 cycles.

Okay and TMI! (Sorry) but yesterday morning (CD28) I went to the loo to wee and had this huge glob of snot like CM when I wiped? When I usually have little to no CM in the days leading up to AF.

Anyone experience this before? Just having an off cycle? I'm driving myself nuts! Please....anyone?