A Mom of the Ages ☆☆☆


Hello All,

I'm currently 31 and a half weeks pregnant, 34 years old and I'm preggo with #4! After reading a recent post inquiring about the mothers age groups that use this site, it got me thinking. I've also noticed that there are many 20 somethings doing posting on here and not quite as many older mommies. While I still enjoy reading their exciting moments and questions, which I can occasionally help with, I would LOVE to hear more from you older-ish ;) mamas!

I've had a nine year gap between my 3rd and 4th pregnancy. My oldest son is currently 12 and a half years old! While i personally didn't set out for this kind of gap when I started out with this mommy business, it's been such an exciting and interesting journey that I'm so happy that iclose to take!

So while this is all so familiar, it's almost like I'm doing it again for the first time, lol. So many things have changed! Some of those changes have come in the technology and medical practices, but most of them are with me as a person. I'm a bit of a different person in my 30's as I was in my 20's, as it should be I think.

Are there any other women out there going through something similar or could add to this conversation, I would love to hear from you!

Thank you & the BEST of luck to each and every mother, father, and significant other out there!!!!