Feeling defeated 😢

Cindy • My DH and I have 1 child together and have 4 all together. I have 3 from a previous marriage. We are currently trying for our last baby. We've been married since 05/14/16 and together since 02/10
I did my second round of Clomid last month, had my blood drawn yesterday to check my progesterone levels. It was at 9.6. I am so so so upset. I swore I ovulated, I had massive pains, had my peak day and had all the symptoms of ovulation. Now I get this news. Now my doctor wants me to test on cycle day 32, if negative pregnancy test I'm to start taking provera, if af doesn't come ok her own. Then on cycle day 3 of bleeding start clomid 100 mg. I'm so upset. I do not understand why this is happening. I have 4 children, and had no problem at all conceiving them. Why all of a sudden am I having these issues of not ovulating??!!! Sorry, I needed to vent. I can only cry to my husband and family so much before I drive them all crazy.