First Ultrasound!

Jennifer • SAHM of 2 💗💗 navigating life
This is so exciting!!! Due to a last minute cancellation and a very understanding boss, I was able to jet across town this afternoon and get my first ultrasound! Baby's first picture! Good strong heartbeat(166) and a very active little one! This kid was doing backflips and kicking and showing off like crazy! The RN doing my ultrasound said she has never seen a more active baby! Only unfortunate thing was little sticky bean would not sit still long enough to get an accurate measurement, so I'm somewhere between 8w4d(she took what she thought was an accurate measurement, then little bean starting kick out its legs, and she realized it was NOT an accurate measurement!)and 12w1d(LMP) But my mind rests easier knowing that I have an active, happy baby in there!!!!