Just Wondering...

Hey Moms! So I have a question.. It may be silly but I was wondering if any of y'all had an inverted uterus while preggo with any of your kiddos? I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old(boys) and I felt them moving around 13 weeks for the first time.. But with this 3rd( I'm 18 weeks) my uterus is super inverted and unless this baby gives me a swift kick, I can't feel anything... And when I get an ultrasound, it's moving like crazy!!! So I know he/she is active. I just didn't know if having a different placed uterus with this 3rd baby was the reason? But I literally don't stop moving from about 8am to 12pm so maybe that's why I don't feel much? I'm not sure. Just wanted to get some other personal experiences if possible!!!