Confirmed pregnancy


So I went today to my appointment to confirm my pregnancy and schedule with an obgyn. I tested positive, but she said it took a while to show and it was faint. She said it was still early so not to worry, but I've been testing positive all week and the lines haven't darkened. So its hard not to worry. The doctor (not my ob) would not schedule labs to test my progesterone since I have no history of miscarriage, despite evidence of having a short lp, lowish temps, and spotting before my period...I'm kind of upset because it feels like I have to lose a child before they will do anything apart from a piss test. I feel like while there's no history, the evidence I have gathered should at least be enough to warrant a test...if anything, to soothe my worries.

I guess I just get to wait it out until January. *sigh*