Alcohol before knowing I was pregnant

Thank you SO much! I actually ended up going to the hospital, St.Anthonys. I was so dehydrated they had to stick me 13 times and finally got it with using a sonogram machine. I have been feeling just plain ole miserable and I feel so guilt because my fiancé hasn't had a vacation in 2 years and this is my 3rd time spending quality time with his parents and I am pretty much stuck in bed, which is causing me to be more depressed. I did try and "ralley" up  the other day but taking the scenic route and driving for over 45 minutes fix the toll on my body and then I have no energy left which therefore makes me very bitchy and grumpy. It really sucks as I know his family had a lot planned to do but being 9 1/2 weeks prego, I just can't seem to chalk it up or push through it. They gave me 5 bags of IV and my veins instantly loved the hydration, if that makes any sence. We go back on Saturday. I honestly had I known with altitude change and feel so missrable because of it and pregnancy would not have came but I fee bad wanting to leave early. So for now just in bed until around 4 ish then try to at least go out to dinner with them. Every part of my body aches, so hard to sleep and my anxiety is so bad. It almost makes me want to drink but I would never do anything to jeopardize the baby wellbeing