I just need a shoulder ):

Brittany • First time mommy❤️ I work in a body shop, my boyfriend has a 7 year old who I love as if he was my own.
Today has been just a horrible day. My manager tells me it doesn't seem like I like my job anymore (I have to go to the bathroom a lot, I'm nauseous, etc) and that I need to act like I care more (I work in a body shop full of men) when the baby gets here I will have been working there 10 months.... It concerns me because of FMLA.... Will I still have my job? Will they hold my job for me? They complained yesterday because I took the whole day off to apply for medical insurance to apply to wic and have my first appointment and asked me if I could just take a half a day off.... Uh no I can't because it could take hours to do all those things. Then when I asked them about the whole FMLA thing I was told "well If you even still have a job by then we will discuss it" it's so frustrating I have asked about short term disability and have gotten no answers. I want to save for the next 3 months for money for my bills for maternity leave, I'm in the process of saving $4k for a down payment on a for closure, worrying about my baby, worrying about finding a job after the baby is born to pay my new car payment, insurance, phone bill, house bills, etc. An what if I get fired while I'm still pregnant? No one would hire a pregnant girl. Then there is trying to figure out my doctors appointments, I work Monday through Friday 8-530 can I fit them all in my hour lunch? If I don't my boss will complain about me taking half days off work. I don't know what to do. I feel so over welmed.