I did a really bad thing!

I co-sleep with my daughter, meaning I have her sleeping next to my bed in her pack n play. When she gets fussy at night I usually take her out, unswaddle her and breastfeed lying down because she finds it really comforting and will fall asleep faster that way. When this happens I set several alarms in case I fall asleep so I can, after she's fully asleep, swaddle her again and out her in the pack n play. Well, last night I didn't set an alarm and I woke up to her being fussy three hours later, which absolutely terrifies me that I apparently wasn't aware enough to set alarms or be awake enough while she was in bed with me. I thank God that nothing happened but I'm so scared this could happen again 😭 I don't want to hurt my baby so please help me come up with a solution! Or scare me about bed sharing!
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A real good friend of mine was breastfeeding her baby in bed and her boyfriend rolled on top of him and she was asleep and had no idea and the baby passed away. With my first I rolled a little bit and my chest was covering him and I never did it again. I  would sit up and feed no matter how tired I was because it scared the crap out of me! 


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Everyone has the right to care for their baby as they choose, but for ME I would never bed share. I'm all about reducing risks and there are risks with having baby in bed. People can't control what happens when they sleep and baby can't get out of the way.


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When my daughter was born I breastfeed her and I would always fall asleep with her on my boob. I think it's as comforting to us as it is to them.


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I have done that numerous times w three kids. Sometimes the exhaustion of mommy hood is just too powerful. Thankfully nothing bad happened. All u can do is try harder next time. 


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My friend was breastfeeding and fell asleep. Her baby was 6 weeks old. She rolled on her and she died. It was so hard for her to deal with. It's been 10 years and she will never forgive herself. 


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We were actually cosleeping, as in she was in our bed with us. She wouldn't sleep any other way. We finally got her into her own bed at 2 months, and I do the same thing I bring her into bed to feed. I haven't fallen asleep yet because I stay on my phone. BUT when she was in our bed with us I woke up multiple times with her on her belly. She figured out how to roll over. You need to just get up and feed her in a rocker honestly. I if she gets used to you nursing her to sleep you're going to have a lot of trouble with her later on. 


Jelly • Dec 14, 2015
You're correct Hillary! Bed sharing is when you're sharing the bed with baby, but co-sleeping is when baby is just in the same room!


Lauren • Dec 10, 2015
That's the official definitely of co-sleeping.


Lauren • Dec 10, 2015
the practice of sleeping in the same bed with one's infant or young child. "co-sleeping often facilitates a good breastfeeding relationship"


Posted at
That's very typical it happens to most women! I would suggest nursing on your couch or recliner That's what I plan to do for the same reasons