I'm I in the wrong?

My boyfriend goes to uni part time and he complains that seeing eachtother maybe 4 times a week is too often, I work full time and I work nights on floater, lately he's in last couple weeks he's been staying at uni 9am - 12am Monday to Friday so "he can finish his work for the 18th"... Am I in the wrong for being upset that I already feel pushed away and is it selfish that I wanna a atleast be able to see him in one of them nights on my day off before I have work again in couples nights for few days? He doesn't do uni work on weekends but I haven't to work weekends... I would happily stay and sleep at his after a shift, giving us 4 hours before I have to go off to another shift but I get the feeling he wouldn't want to do that 😕
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Posted at
If it's finals week and everything has to be done by the 18th, I completely understand his feelings. It's just temporary! 


Lauren • Dec 10, 2015
Yeah he said it was finals week.. & I hope it is.. I mentally cannot do long distance.. :/


Posted at
Try asking him, and talking to him about it


Chandler • Dec 10, 2015
well i dont think thats really right. maybe wait tell the 18th see how he acts then.


Lauren • Dec 10, 2015
I just don't feel he will understand my needs aswel as his own.. :/


Chandler • Dec 10, 2015
I would just have to tell him, you understand he has work to do and its important he also needs to find time too because yall are in a relationship.


Posted at
So basically, he has a right to take time for his work and he also has a right to say that he needs space to do the work. You on the other hand, have every right to feel how you feel about that. If the relationship is going to survive then both of you need to compromise and somehow meet in the middle. If no compromise can be reached, then you'll have to think about whether you can put your feelings aside to support his endeavor, or whether you want to end the relationship. 


Mo • Dec 10, 2015
Just talk to him about it. If he's unwilling to compromise, make sure he knows how you're feeling about the whole thing. Taking your feelings into consideration would benefit both of you, as well as the relationship.


Lauren • Dec 10, 2015
I work full time and as you can tell, we don't live with eachother.. I work nights and with him working 9am - 12am Monday to Friday, I can't see him on the weekend because I'll be working and I have every reason to doubt he might want me to stay whilst I have work that night, or otherwise, he's busy


Posted at
School comes before relationships. Your successful future could be directly related to school so I'd let him focus on school


Posted at
i think that it's good he wants to focus on school. i don't think you should be upset, school work is stressful. my boyfriend goes to school as well and though id love to see him everyday, i only see him once or twice a week so he can focus on school. im not selfish, i know school comes first. you should be more considerate... 


Melissa • Dec 10, 2015
you need to learn how to have your own space away from your boyfriend. he's focusing on school, doesn't mean he doesn't want to see you or is pushing you away voluntarily.


Lauren • Dec 10, 2015
I'm not saying it's a bad thing that he's focusing on his uni work, I was wanted to ask if I was in any wrong or selfish for wanting to see him too, I already feel pushed away and that was before his final week.


Posted at
me and my bf used to argue like crazy about the time we spent together. it was because of his mom though. hes 18 and she refused to let him come over for more than 3 hours . he would come home from school with me at 3 and only stay until 6 never later because she had a fit. she also wouldnt let him come over more than 1-2 days a week which i thought was ridiculous so we fought and fought and finally he stood up to her and now hes literally at my house 24/7 lol. just tell him how you feel and maybe work out a plan?


Posted at
It's a good thing that he is dedicated t his studies. It's also totally normal to want more time with him. Why not ask if you can bring food to the school so you can give him a small break and have a little time together? He does have to eat, and then you're not taking him away from his studies.


Emily • Dec 10, 2015
fair, I was just hoping to find a compromise. good luck!


Lauren • Dec 10, 2015
A abit of a distance and I don't feel like it would be a good idea 😔