Epic essay of confusion

My cycle this month has been completely different I've been experiance all new things and I can't explain myself.

My cycle is 26 days long exactly. On cycle day 14 I spotted for 24 hours it was light pink and mixed with lots and lots of cm, I had mild headaches on and off along with mild cramps on my right side, I didn't need a pad because it was only ever noticeable when I wiped (ASSUME THIS IS O) . Around cycle day 19 I spotted again this time wit was only for a few hours again light and pink mild cramps this time central(ASSUME THIS IS IMPLANTATION).

Since I have had cold like symptoms that dissapear by the afternoon, cramps on and off all day but not enough to cause discomfort, boobs are heavier and fuller but not sore (ALWAYS SORE WEEK BEFORE AF UNTIL AF GOES) I've been really weepy and I've been trying my best not to cry but I can't control it. In the run up to my period my cm increased to the point where it was on my underwear.

I've done four test before af they were neg, did one today af is meant to be here but as of yet nothing, tested this morning neg. I thought I saw faintlines on them all so posted them on here but every one voted neg.

My cervix went from high soft and tightly closed and wet to medium firm slightly open and tilted but still surrounded by lotion cm.

I'm trying to put 2 and 2 together but I can't.