Anyone trying for a VBAC?

This is my third baby due January 1st I'm 37 weeks tomorrow! My first two kids were both c sections, and I never went into labor with either one of them. Having a vbac is really important to me and it's my last chance. I'm getting really nervous, my babies tend to be large almost 10 pounds each, so I'm sure this one is going to be big too. My doctors don't want me to go over my due date because the bigger she gets the harder it will be to have a successful vbac so they say. I don't have any kind of complications my pregnancy has been super easy. But like with my two previous babies my body isn't doing much. I know it's still early I still have 3 weeks and anything can happen between now and then but I'm nervous. I don't want to be bullied into another c section and I really want my vbac to be successful. With my last baby she did drop, but I didn't dilate and ended up scheduling a c section at the last minute because my doctors scared me into it. I just wonder if there is anyone else out there in the same boat? I could use some hope. Lol