Baby's grandma.

I'm literally so fed up with my fiancés mother she tells me everything I want to do it wrong, me not wanting to give certain vacs are wrong, me wanting to do the Down syndrome screening is wrong, me wanting a lotus birth is wrong, EVERYTHING I WANT FOR MY CHILD IS WRONG! And then she wants to come to my ultrasounds and appointments like its nothing!! YOU DONT SUPPORT ANYTHING I WANT BUT YOURE GOING TO TRY TO COME TO MY APPOINTMENTS. And don't sit here any tell me "blah blah you need vacs." That's not the purpose of this, I just want someone to tell me this is my child because I really don't feel like it is. 
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Posted at
Maybe she hates crazy pseudoscience and is genuinely  concerned with the health of the baby? 


jpsa • Dec 10, 2015
Doesn't sound uneducated to me. It's pretty on point actually.


PTgal💜 • Dec 10, 2015
Didn't sound hostile to me. Just sounded like an opinion.


Teeny • Dec 10, 2015


Posted at
Just tell her that. "Why would I want you at my appointments if you don't support any of the decisions I'm making?" There's no need to be there if she's not there for support. 


Posted at
Just don't tell her when the appointments are or tell the tech she ain't allowed in the room. Your baby your rules, she ain't pushing that baby out you are 


Destynie • Dec 10, 2015
Yeah but he still lives at home and his car just got totalled so he has to use hers. UGH


Posted at
Your baby, your rules. If she didn't help make the baby and wasn't there when the baby was made, her opinions mean nothing and she doesn't get to make any decisions nor does she get to come to any of the appointments.


Tiffany • Dec 10, 2015
Let her try fighting a judge on that one. Unless there are serious reasons that would warrant her trying to get custody of your baby, she's just wasting her time and burning bridges. Age is just a number. I was more mature at 10 than my own parents were at 29 and they somehow still had custody of my siblings and I.


Destynie • Dec 10, 2015
That's the way I feel she ALWAYS does this, I've had 3 previous miscarriages and before the last one she told me she would try to take our child from us because we were "immature." Im 20 and he's 21.