Calling all digital users

OK so ovulation question to digital ovulation users. On Tuesday I got a post ice opk, it was my last one and as it was positive I used the clear blue digital one, came back negative. Then few hours later after a meal I felt differently so tested again using digital and got a flashing smiley face. So bd twice that evening. Since then I have felt awful - ovulation clearly hates me ! - iv tested once wednesday - flashing face - tested when o got home from work 4 hours ago and still flashing flash all systoms I had over the last few days have now gone so I retested to still have a flashing face..... face has never been solid but I'm guessing I missed that but here is where I'm really confused everytjne eject the test over the last few days iv had 2 really bold lines tonight I got 1 and one that you can barely see. Surely that means I'm coming right to the end if not finished ovulating now ???