Have you ever had a boil during pregnancy, whether it was the first couple of weeks of pregnancy or later in the pregnancy?

Happee • Momma to some sweet and amazing kids🌍❤ and one to an 😇
I decided to make this poll based on what I've been experiencing. I currently had scanty on and off bleeding as of 12/6 (was due for my period around the 7th-8th) that lasted 1 day, 2 if that, and just today I noticed I had a small white head pimple on my ear, one on my left forearm and a boil close to my private area, but it is on the right inner thigh (it has a white head on it) that is a bit raised (kind of hurts when walking). I've never broke out like this before during menstrual periods, so I'm concerned that maybe the scanty on and off blood wasn't a menstrual period. If any ladies here would like to share any similar stories, please, by all means, do so. It would make me feel better and less worried!

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